Sunday, February 8, 2009

My New Aquariums

My 6.6 Gallons Tropical Saltwater Aquarium

Front view: Inhabitants include Marlin and Nemo the 2 Ocellaris Clownfishes, and Ed the Sebae Anemone.
Setup includes 2 external hang-on filters, air pump connected to a perforated tube diffuser, 6 Watts fluorescent hang-on lamp, protein skimmer, thermometer, 6 life rocks and coral sand.

Top view: Their rounded bodies and swaying gesture resemble koi fish from top view.

Side view: Close up of Marlin with Nemo and Ed in the background.

My 15 Gallons Tropical Freshwater Aquarium

Front View: Inhabitants include 3 Dwarf Gouramis, 6 pink Zebra Danios, 7 Neon Tetras and 3 albino Bronze Catfishes with a variety of aquatic freshwater plants.
Setup includes overhead canister filter, air pump connected to a perforated tube diffuser, 2 15Watts fluorescent lamps, DIY carbon dioxide generator, driftwood, plant fertilizer and medium coarse river sand.

Side view:
Dwarf Gouramis love nibbling on the greens.

Clip: Nemo getting real high playing with Ed.
It's my mama cooking braised beef with ginger and onion in the background.

My latest refurbished and re-aquascaped saltwater aquarium.
Refurbishments are the DIY top cardboard cover, blue fluorescent lamp and new filtering setup (shown in the next picture).
5 new life rocks for enhancement of the aquascaping providing more hiding places for my blue damsel.

Say hello to Betty, the Brain Coral.

Side view of the aquarium now.

Water is siphoned down from the aquarium on top to this sump where mechanical, chemical and biological filtering take place before water is pumped back to the aquarium.

This is when Betty gets high and pumps up to twice its original size.

Close-up on expanded state of Betty from side view.

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